Looking for things to do around Newmarks Yacht Center this summer?

Look no further…Los Angeles Harbor Events near Newmarks

There are all kinds of things happening in and around the harbor this summer and beyond. From fireworks, to movies, to ships, to festivals and a rallycross, just to name a few.

Here is a short list…

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  • Cars and Stripes Forever
  • Downtown Harbor Grand Opening
  • Movies in the Park
  • Navy Days
  • Tall Ships Festival
  • Lobster Festival
  • First time ever, Red Bull Global Rallycross


Don’t miss out on all the activities happening on the waterfront and a short distance to Newmarks Yacht Center, a marina in the Port of Los Angeles. These events are happening right here in our neighborhood. Our marina neighborhood that is.

For more information regarding dates, times and additional events, check 2014 Summer Los Angeles Harbor Events right here, Summer and Beyond 2014 Events