Dec 19, 2013 | Marine News
Fire…A boaters nightmare. One of the worst things to a boater is fire. Fires are among the most dangerous, yet preventable, accidents. Most fires are caused by fueling, electrical or maintenance issues. Here are a few tips that may help prevent those fires....
Jul 19, 2012 | Regulations
Life Jackets Boaters enjoy the feel of sun and spray. So it’s tempting to boat without wearing a life jacket – especially on nice days. But modern life jackets are available in a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. Many are thin and flexible. Some are built...
May 1, 2012 | Around The Harbor, Regulations
Things you should know about boat capacity. Do you know what your boat capacity is? The terms loading and capacity relate to the weight of people, fuel and gear that can be safely carried. The safe load of a boat in terms of people depends on a number of...