Celebrate the holidays out in the water!
It’s that time of year. There are holiday boat parades up and down the coast of Southern California. If you missed the Los Angeles Harbor Holiday Afloat Boat Parade last weekend, no worries, there are plenty more to see!
King Harbor Holiday Boat Parade
Saturday, Dec. 12, 4:30 p.m. for standup paddleboards; 5:45 p.m. for all boats
Details: The theme of the 24th annual King Harbor Holiday Boat Parade is “Tropical Holidays.” The Grand Marshal will be Denise Austin, former member of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. The main channel of King Harbor. Viewing at Fisherman’s Pier, the seawall and all along the harbor, wherever there is a view to the main channel — from King Harbor Marina to the Redondo Beach Pier. For more information: 310-376-2459; khyc.org or khbf.org.
Marina del Rey Holiday Boat Parade
Saturday, Dec. 12, 6-8 p.m.
Details: This year’s event marks the parade’s 52nd year complete with a fireworks show at 5:55 p.m., with the boat parade following immediately afterward. This year’s parade theme is “Adventures on the Sea” with Florence Henderson serving as Grand Marshall. Enjoy a Winter Wonderland in Burton Chace Park from 1-5 p.m. the day of the parade. The parade will cruise through the main channel of the harbor and circle at least three times. The south turn will be parallel to Pacific Avenue in Marina del Rey and the jetty bridge in Playa del Rey. Burton Chace Park and Fisherman’s Village. For more information: 310-670-7130; mdrboatparade.org.
Shoreline Yacht Club Parade of 1,000 Lights
Saturday, Dec. 19, 5:30 p.m.
Details: The 33rd annual boat parade is hosted by Shoreline Yacht Club, but club membership is not required to participate. This year’s theme is “Boats in Toyland.” Boats will line up outside Shoreline Marina, move toward Island White, circle near the beach, move into and through Shoreline Marina and on to Rainbow Harbor past Parker’s Lighthouse Restaurant, Pine Avenue Pier and Gladstone’s, departing Rainbow Harbor and passing by Queen Mary. For more information: 562-435-4093; shorelineyachtclub.com.
Naples Island Holiday Boat Parade, Long Beach
Wednesday, Dec. 23, 6 p.m.
Details: The theme of the 69th annual boat parade is “Island Holiday Celebration.” Streets will close at 5 p.m. on parade night. The large boat parade will begin at 6 p.m. Large boats will assemble along Lido Lane and in front of Naples Plaza. The small boat parade will begin at 6:45 p.m. Small boats will assemble in Marine Stadium. The parade will begin at the Appian Way Bridge and travel south along Bayshore Drive. The parade will enter Naples Canals through the main entrance in front of the Colonnade and travel clockwise around the main canal. Upon exiting, boats will finish in front of Long Beach Yacht Club. View in any public area around Naples. For more information: naplesca.com.
See more Holiday Boat Parades at The Log
Source: The Log