Mar 23, 2016 | Community
Join the Friends of Banning Museum for this year’s annual fundraiser, the Wisteria Regale, Hollywood the Golden Age. There will be a sit down dinner, hosted bar, live entertainment, a professional dance show and a silent auction.
Feb 26, 2016 | Community
Catalina is getting a new fuel dock. Do your summer plans include a boating trip to Catalina Island? Well after many years of planning, construction has begun on the new Avalon Fuel Dock. They are hoping to have it completed by mid-May, just in time for the summer boating season!
Dec 11, 2015 | Community
Celebrate the holidays out in the water! It’s that time of year. There are holiday boat parades up and down the coast of Southern California.
Nov 19, 2015 | Around The Harbor, Community
Mark your calendars for the Los Angeles Harbor Boat Parade. Saturday, December 5th @ 6:00PM. It’s the 53rd Annual L.A. Harbor Holiday Afloat Parade! This year’s parade theme is “Santa’s Minions”
Oct 29, 2015 | Around The Harbor, Community
Don’t forget to visit the Great Pumpkin, Smilin Jack! Thursday, October 29th & Friday, October 30th, from 6 – 9 pm. Drive through and check out the holiday displays and enjoy some caramel corn!
Sep 15, 2015 | Community
The Annual California Coastal Cleanup Day is this weekend! This Saturday, September 19th, thousands of volunteers will be out, cleaning the beaches up and down the California coast. They’ll be picking up things like tires, plastic bags, cans, bottles and other things that litter our coast.