Jun 13, 2016 | Around The Harbor
We have slips for rent for boaters near and far. Since the announcement in February of the San Pedro Marina closing, many boaters have relocated to other marinas including Newmarks Yacht Centre. If you’re looking for slips for rent in the LA Harbor, look no further, check out Newmarks.
Apr 13, 2016 | Green Cleaning
Are you keeping your bilge water clean? Did you know that dirty bilge water can have an impact on the marine environment? Lubricant and hydraulic oils can cause damage, diesel and gas can be toxic.
Feb 28, 2014 | Around The Harbor
The Great March for Climate Action What is the Great March for Climate Action: The goal of the Great March for Climate Action is to change the heart and mind of America and its elected leaders to act NOW to address the climate crisis. This will be the largest...
Jan 28, 2013 | Green Cleaning
Did you know that oil in bilge water can have major impacts on the marine environment? Diesel and gas are toxic, but lubricant and hydraulic oils can also cause damage. When major oil spills happen in the harbor or ocean, authorities are quick to respond to clean...